Bokura no Shokutaku || 僕らの食卓 (Japan, 2023) - Episode 8

Bokura no Shokutaku || 僕らの食卓 (Japan, 2023) - Episode 8

Bokura no Shokutaku || 僕らの食卓 also Known As: Our Dining Table, Bokura no Syokutaku (I had a pleasure to see episode 6 and 7 together, Japan,

2023, current rating on MDL 8.2, current number of Watchers: 7,039 - 19.5.2023). Themes - life, food, family. Series is adapted from a manga.

It is dealing with the difficulties of parental death. We can see an office worker here though it's not office romance (I still appreciate it is the same though). Of course, present our gay male leads, gay romance - and very sweet one by the way. 

There is as well the contrast between very positive brothers relationship versus very negative one. Present is as well Harry Potter… kind of. With glasses and without scar. Thanks to his “should be brother” but is an “older relative”, he's feeling insecure and has PTSD troubles… a.k.a. - he has a kind of eating disorder. Though it is not bulimia or anorexia, he still has problems eating with people and can't taste the food he is eating, nor can he enjoy it and relax. That is until he meets our second main male lead. … and then things start to move and shift.
Now it sounds very dire though the series is everything but. Or should I say – the story Is everything but dire? 

Despite these heavy themes, the mood is incredibly lovely.

Thought of the day….Isn't it cute… to have something cute?/(to create something cute?)

 I have already peaked into the original material that was sent my way thanks to a good person on my drama list and I don't expect big actions here. I mean big love or big relationship actions. But this series is undeniably cute, adorable and something out of this world. This series has an exceptional point of cuteness and tenderness and kindness embodied in the main male leads and the younger brother of one of them. Each week you can't help yourself with what is going to come up.

Since I already only peaked into the original material, But it didn't go through it properly yet, I can only tell what I would hope for episode 8 and what I would like to see there. Since

The Novelist (2018), But maybe even more importantly Dangerous Drugs of Sex (2020), I never entirely gave up on Japanese explicitness. I know, I know, nothing like that is gonna be shown in this series with this level of cuteness. But still I would have nothing against more than these suggested kisses that were shown to us in the last episode. and I kind of hope it might be delivered… sometime… please? 

You know there is some old aching in me wanting to see seriously they can relationship that is even cured but without a fear to show explicit something. not necessarily like in The Novelist (2018) OR Dangerous Drugs of Sex (2020), but maybe something more braver than we can usually - mostly - frequently see in this series would be fine with me…?

…Okay I see it coming I shouldn't have mentioned those two older visuals. Scratch that. Whatever these two characters whatever it is to actors are going to show to, I'm going to be happy, and I am going to look forward to it.

So, until next week….

Be happy, stay tuned!


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