Promising project hopeful audiences - The Eighth Sense | 여덟번째감각 , 여덟번째 감각 (Korean series, BL, 2023)


  It is difficult to see it, and we are writing 2023, that some still have problems to write, depict or create boys' love. And you can see it. You can recognize it from every short project of Korea (just to give an example) that makes the centre point of each story the problem of being a homosexual (& that the other girl/boy is not going to love you because he/she is obviously straight, without even asking the secret crush - hello there, #billyseng, forever, #secretcrushonyou). You can see it from every end. Each non-existent, obviously unwilling, or dead fish kisses are the proof that it is the case. (They don't want to do it, it is overbearing for them, they are ashamed, they are unwilling, it is too much for them, no, please, don't force them anymore. It is pain to watch.)


 That is not the same as saying that love scenes or kissing scenes are easy on the actress, it really isn't and especially if you can imagine the crew behind all these scenes that are making sure that it looks good on camera, but never how the actors feel. Yeah, it's tough.

It always was. You can imagine what we can imagine as audience's – being as the burden of the actors who know what we are imagining because - as I believe it used to be the same for when they were younger and didn't know that it's going to be their career. And now ironically enough for them it became their living, and they are forced to show to us to the best of their abilities what it should look like – if we love. They sure represent the characters that we love to imagine in different positions and in different love scenarios. And they know that we are imagining the last scenarios. Now, imagine you are the actor, and this is the burden that lies on your shoulder – would you be comfortable portraying the characters with all the expectations you have as the reader – the audience? Among the concurrence that there is today. And moreover, in countries that still see LGBTQ2+ love and romance as they see it – as all our countries Once Upon a Time used to see it. Yeah, not a love that you would wish upon someone you love – aka your children. And out of the love you can force them into what is supposed to be the correct – politically correct or socially correct or traditionally correct – type of love. And you are the parents so of course you mean well by doing it. It sometimes costs characters their life - I am looking forward to your new project Max and Nat and I am seeing you, you know. But yeah, overall seeing, how difficult it is for all of the creators to create that world most of us who are watching it love it … is difficult - to fit reality together with your fantasies, imagination and the best of love you can muster in yourself for the things that - you don't have to do, but you love to do, so you do them. Like watching LGBTQ2+ themed audio-visuals or reading LGBTQ2+ novels. Or writing LGBTQ2+ novels. All of these you don't have to do to survive - don't have to do to survive in the strictest sense, though many of us would disagree with that last sentence, and yes, including me, because LGBTQ2+ world is a life. A breath. And sense of living, of meaning. A hope, last one, probably the last remaining one after you realize all the fairy tales with flying dragons and adventures to save and protect the whole world for the cost of your own life are lies.

And yet you still enter this journey in hopes that one day the creators are going to be merciful, and you are going to enter a world that is realistic enough, that is not rushed, and that the creators themselves take seriously enough for the true emotions to come through. Not always happy, not always sad – but realistic, true. (We want to matter too, squeals emotions.)


 And when it happens Once Upon a Time, and when you witness it, it is a small miracle.

 One of such projects is currently airing – The Eighth Sense. Several things I most appreciate about it. I mentioned those who deemed me worthy of their support. Here we come.

This story is told normally. Around it sh*t happens. It is taken seriously by the creators. It plays with mood. It is on verge of being poetical-lyrical-picture speaks louder than words. Just on the verge. It is a story about two people who love each other. And it is told NORMALY – as the story of male and female main leads 25years ago would be told.


So finally, we shift – for its Center Point is no longer the problem of you being a homosexual. The centre point is the s*** that happens in everyday life. Dying brother, depression, anxiety, mourning, reminders, triggers, cheating, refusals, loosing, jealousy – it is a problem.  

Jealous girlfriend who can do whatever to get her man back? But is unsuccessful because her man is already obviously in love with someone else? Yes please, give me more! A girlfriend who made a mistake of cheating on “her men”. Yes, indeed. A girlfriend who can be very mean and venomous and very desperate but is still not hysterical over everything and can bear the consequences of her own mistake to a certain degree? Oh yes please!


And speaking jealousy, what is character’s B’s friends’ problem, please? As well jealousy or is more behind it? On the other hand, the great friends surrounding character’s A! (aaaaaah, melting pot indeed)

What I praise the most about this story is that it brings everything into normal. It does not make a circus out of you being a homosexual, your girlfriend cheating on you, jealous girlfriends trying to get her men back, jealous friends envying you your legacy overseeing your pain, you going to therapy, you are a loner in a new city doing new school, you not yet having “new friends”. Everything is calm, organical, natural and normal as should happen, yes. The story knows its boundaries and it does not come out of it. (But still bears such a deep profound sense!) And if someone tries to do so – to go overboard (hello, jealous girlfriend), someone else, who is witty and funny and experienced and knows where the boundaries lie – just smack’s this Ex-girlfriend’s character’s head with her wit and charm and elegancy and get this character back into the limits and back on the track. Yes, I am speaking to you, dear boss of character A. I admire you because in that situation you managed it intelligently and logically and adorably amazingly unbelievably well.

After a long time, I can say I love this Korean gem.


What about you guys? 

 Are you enjoying it as much as I am?



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